What I'm Reading, Watching, and Listening to!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Letters from Women who have personally experienced the trauma of an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy

Call for submission:

Letters from women who have personally experienced the trauma of an unexpected/unwanted pregnancy. The letters will be posted anonymously on a blog in a section dedicated to the female experience of unexpected pregnancy from a personal and individual approach. Women of all ages, races, religious and cultural affiliations are encouraged to participate.

Aspects one should consider:

The social, economic, and educational pressures of the pregnancy

Personal views about abortion and how those might have conflicted or affirmed your final decision as to how to go through with the pregnancy

Outside of your personal views, how did the social or religious morals you were surrounded by affect your personal view and/or decision to consider or go through with an abortion

The role of one's family and/or environment throughout the pregnancy

Did you choose to continue on with the pregnancy, have an abortion, or turn to adoption? How difficult did you find your decision and how did you arrive at it? Were there any lasting effects, positive or negative, of your decision? How do you deal with those, if they exist.

One's own ability to access contraception and healthy sexuality counseling before the pregnancy, and the ability to access adequate information about abortion, adoption, and/or motherhood counseling after the pregnancy

Sharing your own experience may be an integral part of familiarizing the general population with your struggle, but how in your opinion could society help other women currently in your position better cope with or handle their own struggle?
Lastly, please consider all of these factors when you decide to write your story, but this tentative outline is not all upon which one can expound; in addition, please feel free to elaborate on each of the factors or add as you wish, so as to make it a letter that tells your story. Your personal story, however painful or joyful it may be, is of extreme importance to this project. This project is not interested in pursuing political or moral dogmas; rather, each woman's personal struggle with an unexpected pregnancy is the main focus of this project.

Please, tell your story!

Please submit all letters or questions to the following email address:

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